Monthly Archives: April 2023

How About a Conservative Resistance Against Globes?

Topics for today: A flat-earth judge ruled against globes in public schools… or did I imagine that? Perhaps I’m confusing it with the mean-spirited rulings in Texas about abortion and in Florida about everything; Republicans in Missouri want to defund … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Economics, Lunacy | Leave a comment

Enid Blyton via Sarah Bakewell

I mentioned Sarah Bakewell in my post of March 29th, for two reviews of her new book on the history and meaning of humanism, Humanly Possible, a very long book on one of my primary interests, but so long that … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Personal history | Leave a comment

The Latest Political Outrages and Shenanigans

Today’s topics: Conservative outrage (so easily triggered) against Bud Light; Anti-democratic shenanigans in Tennessee, and the backlash; and how Tennessee places last among all states on democracy, and crushes dissent; About Republican indoctrination; MAGA’s worst week ever; How Medicare expenditures … Continue reading

Posted in Lunacy, Politics | Leave a comment

Math, Literature, and Maps

Today’s topics: A curious new geometric shape; The connections between math and literature; A new perhaps better map projection of the world NY Times, Siobhan Roberts, 28 Mar 2023: Elusive ‘Einstein’ Solves a Longstanding Math Problem, subtitled “And it all … Continue reading

Posted in Mathematics, Narrative | Leave a comment

Theory of Mind, UFOs, and Music

Three items today. Do Chatbots have a “theory of mind”? Probably not. Why fascination about UFOs has lingered; my own brief fascination with them when I was 13; and David Brin’s current take on them; How music does not “mean” … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Science, Technology | Leave a comment

Rules of Law, and Gods, and Politicians

Topics in this post: How MAGAites think their god (Trump) is above the law, with wise insights from John Scalzi; how Republicans want the dumbest parents to control school curricula; the link between white supremacy and anti-abortion politics; how owners … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology, Religion | Leave a comment

Trip Report: LA to Attend Michael & Honey’s Wedding

This past weekend Y and I drove down to Los Angeles to attend his younger son Michael’s wedding. (Thus the absence of daily posts here for five days.) It was our first trip out of town in 3 1/2 years, … Continue reading

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