They’re Losing It

  • Trump and conservatives deny everything they don’t like by blaming “they” or the “Deep State”;
  • And hurling words like “communist” without meaning;
  • Why are we living in a future dominated by idiots?;
  • Donald Trump doesn’t understand oceans;
  • And the brother of pastor who claimed his pro-Trump prophecies came from God calls fake. Well of course.

Salon, Amanda Marcotte, 13 Aug 2024: Donald Trump’s “fake crowd” lie about Kamala Harris shows how much he’s lost it since January 6, subtitled “It’s the same coping mechanism MAGA used to deny the popularity of Taylor Swift and the Barbie movie”

More about Trump’s claims about Harris’s crowds. It’s sad. Everything that goes wrong for conservatives is always about the mysterious “they”…


… or the equally mysterious and fantastical “Deep State.”

JMG, from Colorado Public Radio, NYT, and Washington Examiner, 13 Aug 2024: Ex-CO Clerk Blames Deep State For Felony Convictions


And so they hurl names, without meaning.

NY Times, Paul Krugman, 12 Aug 2024: Trump Calls Harris a ‘Communist.’ That Shows How Worried He Is.

Neither Trump nor his supporters at Fox News understand “communist” to the point of explaining why Harris is one. It’s just another random insult. Krugman, mentioning the swing in the polls, concludes,

Trump and MAGA seem to be responding by throwing lots of stuff at the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

However, the kind of character attacks that worked against Hillary Clinton and, in a different way, against Biden don’t seem to be gaining traction. I almost felt sorry for the Fox News host Jesse Watters, who tried to attack Harris by saying: “She likes wine. She likes food. She likes to dance.” This is supposed to make voters dislike her?

So since nothing else seems to be working, hey, why not call her a communist?


Every once in a while, I pause, and draw a breath, and realize that here in the 21st century, we are dealing with a political class consisting of idiots. The future was supposed to be better than this.


One more example. Idiot, or moron? The challenge for psychologists and political scientists and sociologists is to explain why so many voters support this idiot, or moron.

Washington Post, Philip Bump, 13 Aug 2024: Does Donald Trump understand how the ocean works?, subtitled “Once again Monday night, he claimed that rising sea levels would create ‘more oceanfront property.'”


Part of the explanation is the intelligence, or lack thereof, of the population. (The broader issue is: why now?)

Washington Post, (via JMG), 10 Aug 2024: A pastor said his pro-Trump prophecies came from God. His brother called him a fake., subtitled “Jeremiah Johnson became a sensation when he embraced politics. His brother Josiah, also a preacher, couldn’t shake his concerns.”

Well, the reality-based community would say: of *course* he’s fabricating his dreams. Unless he’s truly delusional, and needs medical care. Long, fascinating personal story at WaPo.

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