Category Archives: conservatives

More Dispatches from Alternative Realities

How Katie Britt, like other clueless Republicans, claims victimhood, and pleads for cash; Robert Wright on how the Trump-Biden choice won’t solve anything; Short items about Trump’s obsession with Hitler; how violent crime is down but you wouldn’t know it … Continue reading

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One More Batch

More every day. All of these items are posts today. I’ll move on tomorrow. An essay by a mother about “Republicans’ Absurdist Reproductive Policies”; A MAGA congressman (from Tennessee) floats a Democratic conspiracy theory about the border, dadgummit; Ruben Bolling’s … Continue reading

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Agents of Chaos

A piece in The Atlantic about people who embrace chaos and nihilism — and spread conspiracy theories just to alleviate boredom, or burn it all down; And an example of this: Washington Post on Libs of Tik Tok; And recalling … Continue reading

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More on the IVF Brouhaha

Vox summarizes the issue; Republicans are walking the issue back; they know it won’t win them votes; Amanda Marcotte on how this is about Christians controlling women; Robert Reich on the emerging Republican theocracy; A link to Connie Willis’ latest … Continue reading

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In her soft wind I will whisper

Paul Krugman on how people see what they believe, despite evidence, regarding Tucker Carlson and his visit to Russia; Robert Reich on how Trump, and Putin, are not leaders; they’re thugs; About selective memory among conservatives about the economy under … Continue reading

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More Behaving Badly

Robert Reich on Trump, ever the con artist; David French on the warping of American life by MAGA threats of violence; Trump doesn’t realize he’s the cause of US demise; The informant who inspired the Republican Biden investigation has been … Continue reading

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A Big Picture vs. Daily Trivia

An overview of 75 years of American history, by Robert Reich; Fringe items about Republican racism, who’s the traitor, the Taylor Swift conspiracy theory, assertions without evidence, the nanny state, moral certitude, and Fox News. I think many of us … Continue reading

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From Looking Glass to Scary

My “looking glass” take two days ago was a cute way to avoid discussing the “tribalists” or the “cult” but perhaps things are actually getting too serious to dismiss those items as merely bizarre, upside-down-thinking about the world. If it … Continue reading

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Another Visit Through the Looking Glass to MAGALand

The US is leading the world economically, but not according to MAGALand; MAGAfolks say they venerate the Constitution, yet support Trump as dictator; How prophets assert that Trump is president, and the GOP asserts that Trump did not commit insurrection; … Continue reading

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Stalwarts? Traditionalists? Tribalists? Cultists? Some Evidence

First, I’d thought to post a summary review of the third short philosophy book I’ve read recently — Bertrand Russell’s THE PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY — but as the day turned out, I had time only to do another round-up of … Continue reading

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