Category Archives: conservatives

Stalwarts and Progressives: Notes from the (Fringe)

Reconsidering how to characterize what I’ve been calling the “fringe”; Taylor Swift and MAGA; Bobby Azarian on why Trump’s supporters don’t believe evidence; Applying the Jack Smith rule to statements from the National Prayer Breakfast. Here’s the thing: I shouldn’t … Continue reading

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The US Civil War, the Terrible Economy, and the Rule of Christians

Chinese propaganda says the US is in a civil war; How conservative propaganda ignores or blocks the good news about the economy; How MAGA is right about Trump changing American politics; The current facts about the economy, from WaPo and … Continue reading

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Tribal Psychology and Racism

What evolutionary psychology reveals about American politics — nothing new here, except to note that these ideas have reached the mainstream press; A former Republican speechwriter summarizes Trump’s vile racist remarks; Short items about Trump’s confusion of Nikki Haley with … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Music, Politics, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

A Dream of Oceans, and Sunken Cities

Still enamored by R.E.M., which is why I’ve chosen another of their lyrics for today’s post title. Today: more items about trying to understand the modern world. How false information might be the top global risk in 2024; An example … Continue reading

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Now is Greater Than the Whole of the Past

Three items about how conservatives resist solving problems if those solutions would benefit the Democrats; A survey of readers, books they’ve read, books they own, and some of my own statistics; And R.E.M.’s song “She Just Wants to Be” which … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, conservatives, Music, Personal history | Leave a comment

Basic Principles of Politics, Economics, and Zealotry

Three items today. How the Republican strategy has changed; Zero-sum thinking (by conservatives) vs. division of labor and our modern complex society; And fringe items about God-believers and how God made Trump. There’s a commonly understood explanation for the long-time … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Lunacy, Politics, Religion | Leave a comment

Sources of Meaning

How the Catholic League finds meaning at Christmas only in its own teachings, while presuming everyone else must be miserable; How Republicans have found tribal meaning in Christian Nationalism; How Republicans search for voter fraud only among populations who would … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Meaning, Music, Religion | Leave a comment

Why Progressives Are Moving to the Right: For a Simpler Story

Busy pre-holiday weekend — making rusks and another batch of lemon bars. So only a single item for today, setting aside yet again the more substantial topics I alluded to yesterday. Here’s one of those pieces where I react to … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Links, Politics, science fiction | Leave a comment

Threat or Loser?

How Trump is destroying democracy and democratic culture; Or do Trump’s weaknesses assure he won’t win?; Short items about the Satanic Temple, and a new GOP slogan. Here’s a piece that takes a wide perspective on the presence of democracy … Continue reading

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Stupid or Evil?

The dictatorship theme continues. Are Trump supporters stupid or evil? A WaPo piece gives many examples of statements by them, dismissing his dictatorship intentions; then Salon’s Amanda Marcotte deconstructs them; Her take: “Regular readers know I’m Team They’re Evil, in … Continue reading

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