Search Results for: how the mind works

Scales of the Universe

The 13 scales that define our physical universe; A video that maps the Milky Way onto the United States, where on that scale our sun would fit between the ridges of a fingerprint; Recalling again the famous Powers of Ten … Continue reading

Posted in Music, Science, Space | Leave a comment

The Rule of Law, Degrees of Conspiracy Theorists, and Martin Gardner

If Trump’s trial is on TV, will Americans, even his supporters, accept the outcome?; How traditional conspiracy theorists are alarmed by modern conspiracy theorists; Recalling Martin Gardner’s Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science; And just noting a few … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

Climate Change, Culture, the Economy, and Real Americans

Paul Krugman on climate change as a culture war issue; Florida censors come after Shakespeare, and educators flee the state; Robert Reich is confidant that Biden will get credit for an economy “that’s better off than it’s been in decades”; … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

More About Who’s to Blame for Trump

A Slate writer responds to NYT’s David Brooks about how the “elites” are to blame for Trump culture; A David Brin post; Some quick links with comments… Phil Plait on seeing the Milky Way; And George Michael’s “You Have Been … Continue reading

Posted in Astronomy, Culture, Music, Politics | Leave a comment

More on the Latest Indictment

Goofy Republican responses to the latest indictment, about Federal employees, and to the teaching of psychology; The spectacle goes on and on, as the US experiences what some are saying is the most important legal indictment in its history: John … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

The Current State of the World

Two items about the current state of the world: the economy is good; climate change is getting worse, and how conservatives won’t believe either; How Big Oil is more concerned with profits than with long-term consequences; How the Mission: Impossible … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Politics, Science, TV Sci Fi | Leave a comment

Tenth Anniversary

Today is the tenth anniversary of this blog. It was originally called “Views from Medina Road,” from where we lived in Woodland Hills (a suburb of Los Angeles) at the time, with the view of the San Fernando Valley, and … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Evolution, Personal history, Politics | Leave a comment

Conservative “Intellectualism,” and Fear

Today: A long article about “conservative intellectuals”; How my attention to politics, especially to conservative antics, is actually all about science fiction, and its aspirations; A couple items about the Supreme Court case that did not involve an actual gay … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

Stomping the Floor and Deafening Applause

Let’s see how my thesis of yesterday might inform some of today’s news. How Republicans don’t want to solve problems, they want to stomp the floor to protest people they feel threatened by; How Republicans define crime; Shifting the goal … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

The Biggest Thing Conservatives Believe That Is Wrong

That there was a golden age. NY Times, Adam Mastroianni, 20 Jun 2023: Your Brain Has Tricked You Into Thinking Everything Is Worse

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