Search Results for: how the mind works

Einstein, Vigilante Justice, the Gin and Tonic Workout

Albert Einstein and what he didn’t say; More on Republican support for vigilante justice; How a drink or two enables an intense workout. NY Times, Benyamin Cohen (a specialist on Einstein), 4 Jun 2023: Einstein and a Theory of Disinformation … Continue reading

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Last Questions and Possible Answers, 2

This is a sequel to a post I did back in March, Last Questions and Possible Answers, 1, in which I considered the John Brockman book The Last Unknowns, in which he gathers deep unanswered questions about “the universe, the … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Philosophy, Science | Leave a comment

Then They Came for the Meteorologists

Today’s items. How conspiracy theorists are attacking meteorologists; Naomi Oreskes on how the right attacks Social Security because it’s a “big government” program that actually works; The connection between American Christians and Uganda’s “kill the gays” policy And today’s music: … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Music, Psychology | Leave a comment

Fox News Admits They Were Wrong; Reviews by Michael Dirda

First, a follow up to my Media Literacy post three days ago. Stop the Presses! Something amazing has happened! Salon, Amanda Marcotte, 23 May 2023: Fox News falls for another hoax, as the Dominion defamation settlement pays off, subtitled “The … Continue reading

Posted in Mathematics, Narrative, Science, science fiction | Leave a comment

Lessons in Media Literacy

How stories about the border are designed to scare you, one way or the other; How right-wing sites promoted a false story about immigrants displacing veterans from New York City hotels; Heather Cox Richardson on the debt crisis and how … Continue reading

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Arguing Styles, Debates, and Winning vs. Being Right

I’ve mentioned the book RESPONDING TO THE RIGHT by Nathan J. Robinson a couple times before, and today I want to summarize the gist of the book.

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

The Latest from Steven Pinker

Today, a long interview with Steven Pinker about ‘progress’ despite human nature; about the value of rationality; about looking at data and not headlines to understand the state of the world; about cancel culture; about the perils and inevitability of … Continue reading

Posted in Human Progress, Psychology, Science, Steven Pinker | Leave a comment

Progress, Happiness, Economics, and Morality

Items about the reality of progress and hope that humanity overcomes the effects of climate change; the latest world happiness index in which the US ranks 15th; Robert Reich busting myths about how the wealthy right justify their wealth; and … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Morality, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

A Literary Break

Read last week: six short literary novels in five days. Three by Steinbeck; one each by Henry James and James Joyce and Leo Tolstoy. A break from my routine of reading science fiction and current nonfiction.

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Narratives, Vanity, and Empathy

A writer named Alissa Quart has a new book out, Bootstrapped: Liberating Ourselves from the American Dream, that challenges the American myth that one can “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” to succeed all on your own. It’s a fantasy … Continue reading

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