Search Results for: robert reich

Guilty Guilty Guilty; Over and Over and Over

Trump found guilty today on 34 charges; we oldsters remember the Doonsbury cartoon about Nixon: “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”, which is apropos here; With a comment from David Brin, who has been saying the same things about Republicans, over and over … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Lunacy, Music, Politics, Psychology | Comments Off on Guilty Guilty Guilty; Over and Over and Over

Living By Stories, Not Reality, Part 2

A New Yorker review of a new book about human origins; Robert Reich on how Americans don’t understand the reality of Trump and Biden; Short items about the Pope, and fundamentalists beliefs in the evil nature of human beings; how … Continue reading

Posted in History, Narrative, Psychology, Religion | Comments Off on Living By Stories, Not Reality, Part 2

Progress and Retreat

A reading from Steven Pinker, about progress the MAGA folks are reacting against; Double standards about Trump and presidential immunity; J.D. Vance and protesters; DeSantis and woke banks; the National Day of Prayer; another Republican taking advantage of a bill … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, progress, Steven Pinker | Comments Off on Progress and Retreat

Tribal Notes

Latest examples of tribal thinking, as many of my posts over the past months and years have compiled, clarified by my reading of Joshua Greene’s book and many others. Short items about indoctrination in Florida schools (“get them while they’re … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Morality, Politics | Comments Off on Tribal Notes

Believing Anything

A long opinion piece by Dana Milbank at WaPo shows *how* Trump supporters will believe anything, without explaining (despite the headline) *why* they do; My thoughts about what has brought about the loss in consensus reality; And short items about … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology | Comments Off on Believing Anything

It’s Time for Another Round of… Stupid? Or Cynical?

Stupid or Cynical: Republican/Christian conservatives respond to the coincidence of Easter and Trans Recognition Day; Some MAGA claims are just delusional, example from Steve Bannon; Robert Reich on Trump’s 5-step fascist plan; And how conservatives reject the idea of lab-grown … Continue reading

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A History of Progress and Backlash

Two items about Fareed Zakaria and his new book; Robert Reich on Roger Ailes; How “DEI” is now substituting for the N-word. * There’s a new book out this week by Fareed Zakaria, whose 2020 book, Ten Lessons for a … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, progress | Comments Off on A History of Progress and Backlash

Ancient and Modern Morality, Examples

David French and Stephen Breyer on originalism; Short items about how Trump is out of his mind (from Robert Reich), his “blood bath” comments, and his threat to shut down the media; Jamelle Bouie on how the election isn’t about … Continue reading

Posted in Morality, Politics, Religion | Comments Off on Ancient and Modern Morality, Examples

Emotional Intelligence and Con Men

Robert Reich on Trump’s stupidity — except for his emotional intelligence, which manifests as his being a con man; Peter Wehner on “Fifth Avenue Republicans”; Tom Nichols about why Trump shouldn’t be given security briefings; Music: Neil Finn’s “Into the … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Music, Politics, Psychology | Comments Off on Emotional Intelligence and Con Men

Conservative Fantasies: Boogeymen and Groomers

Robert Reich on the resurgence of anti-science fundamentalism, recalling again that Scopes trial; A 60 Minutes interview with the founders of Moms for Liberty, which apparently did not go well; How Trump and his follows believe in dystopian fantasies; Short … Continue reading

Posted in Atheism, Conservative Resistance, Lunacy, Religion, Science | Comments Off on Conservative Fantasies: Boogeymen and Groomers