Search Results for: robert reich

Two Economic Matters

Just time for a couple items tonight. How alarming statistics about shoplifting (especially by brazen gangs) aren’t actually true; How the ideal of the “free market” unhobbled by regulations is simplistic. Here’s an example where it turns out you can’t … Continue reading

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Trump, Fascism, and Mike Johnson’s Visions from God

Robert Kagan sequelizes his editorial from a week ago with ideas about how to stop a Trump dictatorship; Robert Reich looks at the GOP’s death cycle, its descent into fascism; A former Prime Minister of the UK foresees what will … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, conservatives, Lunacy, Politics | Leave a comment

Bathing, Evidence, Control, Dating, Social Security

Why daily bathing (just like trying to kill every germ in sight) may not be healthy; Items about Republican admissions they don’t have evidence for their claims; how they take credit for what they voted against; how the party of … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Culture, Evolution, Politics | Leave a comment

Decency, Bias, and Superstition

Over and over, Trump and his team, unable to win arguments on the facts, resort to ad hominem — character assassination; The contrast between conservative insistence on women taking a child to term, rather than abortion, with the mild inconvenience … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Psychology, The Gays | Leave a comment

Real Conspiracy Theories and Fake Crises

Benjamin Bradford at CFI about how conspiracy theorists shrug about real conspiracy theories; Big Think on conspiracy theories about places claimed not to exist; Robert Reich on the fake crises Republicans use to distract from real problems. CFI, Benjamin Bradford, … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Epistemology, Psychology | Leave a comment

Witnessing History: When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them

It’s difficult to keep a perspective on the news, which may well be history happening in front of our eyes, or may simply consist of passing trends. There are always passing trends. In the long term, history shows that most … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, conservatives, Lunacy, Politics | Leave a comment

Checking in on the Wackadoodles

Several items about Jim Jordan; How the Bible disproves climate change; how people in wheelchairs lack faith in God; how Trump claims (falsely) that flypaper is illegal because cruelty to animals; how tap water is birth control; More seriously: Items … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Lunacy, Politics | Leave a comment

False Equivalencies, and Books That Cannot Exist

Items today: Biden is old, but sane, while Trump is nuts; Headlines about faith, book banning, and the Biden impeachment; On the street push back from Fox News’ claims that big cities are hellholes; What Trump means by “his people”; … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Music, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

Three More About Vivek

I’m preoccupied with setting up my new laptop — which has no CD/DVD drive for installing old software ! — but will post two or three more pieces about Vivek. Promise to move on to something else tomorrow. Robert Reich … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Politics, reality | Leave a comment

Commentaries about Last Night’s Republican Debate

Various reactions to the Republican debate, with its themes of science denial, and lying to a base that feeds on lies; Robert Reich on Republicans’ denial of climate change. I watched bits of it. I’m relying on the commentaries published … Continue reading

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