Search Results for: how the mind works

On This July 4th

It’s worth paying attention from time to time what conservatives really want, and more importantly, their rationales. NY Times, Ruth Graham, 4 Jul 2024: Why a New Conservative Brain Trust Is Resettling Across America, subtitled “Pro-Trump professionals aren’t just talking … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, conservatives, Psychology, Religion, Social Progress | Comments Off on On This July 4th

Steven Pinker: THE BLANK SLATE, post 4

Another five chapters, mostly addressing the fears people have with the idea of an innate human nature, as opposed to the idealized blank slate: concerning inequality, imperfectibility, determinism, and nihilism. Earlier posts about this book: post 1, post 2, post … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, MInd, Science, Steven Pinker | Comments Off on Steven Pinker: THE BLANK SLATE, post 4

Loyalty vs. Principles

Three threads today, all related. Considering whistle-blowing as an example of wrestling loyalty vs. principles, and how this applies to Trump and his followers; Related items about how Trump supporters vow to “lie, cheat, and steal”; how Donald Trump knows … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Culture, Evolution, Morality | Comments Off on Loyalty vs. Principles

Politics as Fantasy, as Competing Stories

Three topics for today. The Hunter Biden verdict this morning, and how conservatives explain it to fit their conspiracy theories; Religious dimwittery about installing the Ten Commandments into schools; and Supreme Court Justice Sam Alito’s presumptuous allegiance to Christian godliness … Continue reading

Posted in Morality, Music, Narrative, Politics | Comments Off on Politics as Fantasy, as Competing Stories

Robert Charles Wilson, OWNING THE UNKNOWN

This is a book about theology, atheism and the idea of God, from the perspective of a science fiction writer. Wilson is a significant contemporary SF writer whose fiction output has slowed in recent years; I reviewed his 2015 novel … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Religion, science fiction | Comments Off on Robert Charles Wilson, OWNING THE UNKNOWN

A Table of Moral Polarities, Initial Take

I’ve been making notes over the past month for a table of moral polarities, in order to align and summarize some of the concepts and the many news examples I’ve compiled lately. Recall how I’ve mentioned that certain attitudes, especially … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, History, Meaning, Morality, Philosophy, Science, science fiction, Uncategorized | Comments Off on A Table of Moral Polarities, Initial Take

Another Gloss on Philosophy

I think I mentioned this book before. It’s a compilation of rough summaries of twelve general topics, from American Studies to World History, with literature, music, philosophy, religion, science, and others in between, written for people who worry that their … Continue reading

Posted in Cosmology, Philosophy, Religion | Comments Off on Another Gloss on Philosophy

Monoculture and Tribalist Thinking

Travel perspectives; Is everything a cult now? If so, the word has lost all meaning; Is religion just a tribal marker? Then why do so many Christian zealots want to impose their beliefs on others, to the point of executions? … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Psychology, Travel | Comments Off on Monoculture and Tribalist Thinking

Joshua Greene, MORAL TRIBES, post 2

Concluding summary and comments about this book. Some highlights: The author focuses on a modified utilitarianism, which he calls “deep pragmatism,” to solve tribal disputes in the modern world; He observes that “rights” are claims to end disputes, in order … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Morality, progress | Comments Off on Joshua Greene, MORAL TRIBES, post 2

Joshua Greene, MORAL TRIBES, post 1

Here is a substantial book about human morality that offers ideas that, to me, help to knit together the ideas of others. For chronological context, this 2013 book follows, of course, the 1997 Pinker book that I recently read (review … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Morality, progress, Science | Comments Off on Joshua Greene, MORAL TRIBES, post 1