Search Results for: robert reich

Climate Change, Culture, the Economy, and Real Americans

Paul Krugman on climate change as a culture war issue; Florida censors come after Shakespeare, and educators flee the state; Robert Reich is confidant that Biden will get credit for an economy “that’s better off than it’s been in decades”; … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Psychology, Science | Leave a comment

Tenth Anniversary

Today is the tenth anniversary of this blog. It was originally called “Views from Medina Road,” from where we lived in Woodland Hills (a suburb of Los Angeles) at the time, with the view of the San Fernando Valley, and … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Evolution, Personal history, Politics | Leave a comment

Some Sciency Bits

Richard Dawkins on the ancestral language of DNA; How humans have interpreted fossils throughout history; Recalling the scientifically inaccurate and intellectually hostile movie Armageddon, from 1998; How an article about a refinement to our understanding of human evolution overstates its … Continue reading

Posted in Evolution, Music, Science, Skiffy Flix | Leave a comment

Follow-up Links on Current Themes

Let’s catch up on links from the past couple weeks that I haven’t already used, beginning with some follow-ons to topics already covered. Climate Change: Scientists have reached the “I told you so” moment; The DeSantis video: Republicans are now … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Lunacy, Politics, Science | Leave a comment

A Predictable Trend; Ideas about Patriotism

Two items about the decades-long trend of the decline (even) in the US of allegiance to organized religion, and how this fits into the theme of primitive v. mature moralities; Heather Cox Richardson reflects on the stages of American independence; … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics, Religion | Leave a comment

Recent Headlines

Let’s round up some recent headlines, with minimal comments and quotes. LA Times, LZ Granderson, 29 Jun 2023: Column: Sure, people are moving to Texas. But not for the reasons Gov. Greg Abbott claims

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Today’s Links

Only time today for a few quick links, which I may or may not expand upon in future posts. OnlySky: The methadone of the people, subtitled “As long as the human condition is characterized by suffering, the vulnerable will seek … Continue reading

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Small-town values vs. Big-city values, and a Conservative Notion of the “Common Good”

How big-city values, not small-town values, are better suited for governing the nation; Recalling Robert Reich’s take on urban vs. rural; Heather Cox Richardson on the potential end of a long Republican era; A review of a book by an … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Culture, Politics | Leave a comment

The Relative Risks of Being Alive

The latest scientific studies of the effects of alcohol have concluded that the best amount of consumption is as little as possible, and how this is best understood through statistics about all kinds of risks; Robert Reich’s take on Trump … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Lunacy, Statistics | Leave a comment

How Much News Is Too Much News?

Today: that debate, my own news consuming habits, and the negativity bias. Then: more about wokeness, and the relationship between conservatism, liberalism, wokeness, and equality; and between teaching values and indoctrination. The Atlantic, Shadi Hamid, 13 Mar 2023: You’re Better … Continue reading

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