Institutions and Indoctrination

    • Today’s neighborhood cookies party.
    • Fareed Zakaria how democracy depends on its institutions;
    • The Trump administration will indoctrinate Federal employees with MAGA training;
    • A West Virginia mayor reject a Pagan float in a Christmas Parade;
    • How Trump is stocking his cabinet with criminals, and plans to pardon other criminals.

Today we attended a neighborhood “Holiday Cookies” part, around the corner and down Crestmont from our place. I made “Mexican Wedding Cookies,” which used to be called “Mexican Wedding Cakes” in my family cookbook. It’s odd how in the first five years we lived here (we’ve been here almost 10 years!, since Feb 2015), we barely met any of our neighbors. Now, gradually, we’re meeting more and more. Of course it’s helped that since the pandemic, and everyone working from home, and my exercise (walking) requirements, we go for walks virtually every day, and have more opportunity to run into our neighbors.


Opinion piece by Fareed Zakaria, whose 2020 book I quite admired.

Washington Post, Fareed Zakaria, 6 Dec 2024: Why democracies, from South Korea to France to the U.S., are in crisis, subtitled “To save liberal democracy, save its institutions.”

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Economics vs. Intuition and Common Sense

I missed posting yesterday because there was a Locus Foundation meeting (via Zoom) that began at 3pm my time and ran until 5:30pm, right through my blogging hour. At 5:30 it was time to get ready for dinner with my partner. The meeting was mostly a presentation by two consultants Liza had hired to provide a vision of how Locus might continue and thrive. Many things might change in the next year; I can say no more.


Let’s see what I can choose from, among the links I’ve compiled from the past two days.

LA Times, Aine Seitz McCarthy, 5 Dec 2024: Opinion: America needs to retake Econ 101

If they ever took it at all, is my thought. I never took an econ course, but I read the news and follow economists like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman and have gathered that many things most people think are obvious about the economy simply aren’t true.

Politicians of all stripes need to move away from selling voters the false promise that they have control over inflation and globalization. … As voters, it is also our job to learn some basic economics, at least enough to understand supply and demand for housing; the effect of tariffs, taxes and subsidies as tools; and the causes of inflation.

With a list of economic policies that might actually work to do what Americans want: expand the earned income tax credit; expand the child tax credit; build more housing; subsidize child care.

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Advance Warnings

  • Tsunami Alert!
  • Robert Reich on Donald Trump’s cabinet of sycophants and charlatans;
  • Threats against those who defy the “Gospel of Trump”;
  • Heather Cox Richardson look back on the history of business vs the government;
  • How the right perceives the murder of the UnitedHealthCare CEO.

Today around 10.30 am my phone went off with a shriek and displayed a *tsunami* alert! First, I hadn’t realized such alerts were sent out; and second, I realized immediately that there must have been some large earthquake relatively nearby to have a caused such an alert in our area. Details filtered in, and eventually the tsunami alert was cancelled. In any event, we live way up in the hills and are in more danger from fires than floods.


We’re still watching the spectacle of Donald Trump assembling his set of sycophants and charlatans. The only requirement is that they’re loyal.

Robert Reich, 5 Dec 2024: The difference between loyalty and subservience, subtitled “Trump’s picks are submissive hacks whose cringe-worthy subservience to him will bring down his administration — and possibly America”


The media has it all wrong about Trump’s picks for his administration. The conventional view is they’re “Trump loyalists” whom Trump “recruited.”


First, they’re not loyalists; they’re subservient hacks.

There’s a crucial difference.

All politicians want their underlings to be loyal, but Trump wants them to be more loyal to him than to the nation, and he demands total subservience without regard to right or wrong.

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Politics as Aspects of Human Nature

An early post on this blog quoted Robert Reich about how most progressives live in cities and on the coasts, and most regressives live in rural areas far removed from ports and cities. It’s a widely noted pattern. “Our problem is they [the regressives] have disproportionate political power, and are determined to hold onto it as long as they can.”

Since compiling Reich’s sentiment (and the one from Connor Wood — whatever happened to him? — in the post previous to that one), I’ve come to understand these differences as aspects of human nature — the rural, or tribal, vs the urban, or continental. As explored by numerous books in psychology and the mind that I’ve read and blogged about in the decade since. And my thesis is that, as the world’s population expands, problems that must be solved through cooperation of all nations will require that urban, or continental, perspective and cooperation, while the priorities of the rural and tribal folk — like those about to take control of the US government — will just make everything worse. They think about short-term benefits, and ignore long-term consequences, when they won’t be around to suffer. (While apparently not minding that their grandchildren will.)

Here’s just the latest take on this issue.

OnlySky, Adam Lee, 2 Dec 2024: The United Cities and Ruralities of America, subtitled “It’s a two-state solution for our own intractable conflict.”

As Abraham Lincoln put it in his famous speech quoting the biblical aphorism, America is a house divided against itself. We’re not one united country, but two very different nations penned up within the same borders.

Worse yet, those two nations are at each other’s throats. We have drastically different politics and philosophies. We’re mutually suspicious, resentful and hostile. Our political divide has grown into a chasm pitting state against state, household against household, family against family.

It’s no wonder our national mood is so angry, bitter and bleak. We can’t endure like this forever. Is there a way out? Do we need a peaceful national divorce?

And so on.

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Political Retributions, and Values

  • Three and a half years after my heart and kidney transplants, I’m doing fine;
  • About Biden’s pardon of his son, and the impending takeover of the FBI to pursue retribution;
  • Robert Reich understands why he did it;
  • Yet another essay (posted around Facebook) about how Trump’s win is about “who we are,” especially how Trump’s supporters don’t actually care about the Ten Commandments;
  • The car folks at Jalopnik’s take on Vivek Ramaswamy is not kind;
  • How Musk and Ramaswamy have no idea what they’re doing;
  • And a note about listening to Bruckner.

The good news for today is that I had my three-and-a-half-year visit with one of the cardiologists (Dr. Xie) at CPMC, following up my heart transplant in May 2021, and I’m still doing just fine. Dr. Xie actually used the word “amazing.” OTOH with the holiday weekend we forgot to have my blood work done in advance of the appointment; I’ll do that tomorrow, and those results will trickle in over the following days.

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People Would Rather Believe Than Know

  • How conservatives distrust science because it does not accommodate “moral and religious values”, thus missing the point of science;
  • Mark Lilla on the allure of ignorance;
  • Dinesh D’Souza admits 2000 Mules was flawed;
  • Heather Cox Richardson on how government institutions were designed to work;
  • RIP Hal Lindsey, whose Biblical prophecies failed.

The key to this piece is that the writer is a “senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute,” which is a right-wing think tank.

NY Times, M. Anthony Mill, 27 Nov 2024: The MAGA Science Agenda Reveals America’s Future

The piece dwells on RFK Jr and vaccine-resistance, then identifies historical events that have affected American views on science. This is the passage that struck me.

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Politics, Tribalism, and the Retelling of History

  • Book burning and the erasure or retelling of history;
  • Trump’s latest outrageous choice for his cabinet;
  • And how Trump voters are now unconcerned about voter fraud, since their side won.

Given that ideology, tradition, and storytelling are more common on the right than the left, while scientists (those interested in reality) tend to align with the left rather than the right, it’s not surprising that those who think history needs adjusting come from the right.

OnlySky, Dale McGowan, 26 Nov 2024: Book burning in the digital age, subtitled “The right has long felt that some of our history needs adjustment. How far will they go?”

At the same time, one theme that saturates this blog, aside from politics and psychology in general, is Continue reading

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Perspectives on the World

  • How Republicans are suddenly optimistic about the economy;
  • David Brooks on how Trumpism reflects shifts in America’s basic morality;
  • How Americans believe things about the rival party, especially Democrats, that simply aren’t true;
  • Robert Reich’s personal sources of truth;
  • And Big Think on how scientists are not conspiring in a Satanic plot to undermine religion.

You can look at the same thing and see different things depending on your inclination.

Washington Post, Annie Duke, 26 Nov 2024: Opinion | When beliefs trump facts, Thanksgiving becomes less fun, subtitled “What a sudden change in consumer sentiment says about us.”

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Wrecking Crews and Historical Cycles

Once again, considering current politics as the ways human nature plays out. Today’s topics:

  • Efforts in several states to replace general education with Christian education;
  • The reality of the “deep state,” and how they plan to survive Trump and MAGA;
  • Zack Beauchamp looks at the worldwide trend against traditional political systems, and has no answer;
  • While I ascribe this in part to the short-term thinking of base human nature, and how it’s becoming inadequate in the modern global world.
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Again, Trump’s motivations behind the selections for his wrecking-crew cabinet seem identical to those of an outside invading force that wants to destroy the US government and replace it with a Christian theocracy. They’re either shameless about it, or clueless about it, I’m not sure which.

Salon, Amanda Marcotte, 26 Nov 2024: Trump opens up a new war on public schools, subtitled “MAGA leaders promise an ‘educational insurgency’ to create ‘boot camps for winning back America'”

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A Couple Interesting Things About Reality

  • After which, items about toxic masculinity and Trump, Elon Musk stifling news, and others.

Let’s begin by noting a couple interesting things about reality, one from a hundred years ago, one new.

AlterNet, via The Conversation, 22 Nov 2024: It’s been 100 years since we learned the Milky Way is not the only galaxy

Of course, most people don’t actually understand what a galaxy actually is — since references in pop science fiction (mostly movies) confuse galaxy with nebula or star or solar system — but this item notes a significant point in the understanding by scientists of humanity’s place in the actual universe.
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