Search Results for: how the mind works

Dictatorship Promises; What America Actually Is; and Visions from God

A Republican critic of journalist Robert Kagan, who wrote about how a Trump dictatorship (see previous posts) would harass journalists, make Kagan’s point by threatening to harass Kagan; Maybe Trump and his followers *are* what America is; More about Mike … Continue reading

Posted in Economics, Politics, Religion | Leave a comment

Latest from the Impending Dictatorship Watch

Recalling the “Good Germans” who didn’t pay attention to Hitler’s rise; Salon’s Chauncey DeVega on how Americans are sleepwalking into a Trump dictatorship; The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg on the danger of a second Trump term; Steve Bannon’s promise to prosecute … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Resistance, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

Last Questions and Possible Answers, 4

This is my fourth and likely last post, following this one in March and this one in June, and this one eight days ago, in which I consider the John Brockman book The Last Unknowns, in which he gathers deep … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Culture, Human Progress, Philosophy, Religion, Science, science fiction | Leave a comment

Another Clear, Crisp Day in the Bay Area

A companion to yesterday’s post about politics. Because I’m sure people are as interested in my religious takes as they are in my political takes. (What is the reason religion and politics are never discussed around the dinner table? Because … Continue reading

Posted in Morality, Psychology, Religion | Leave a comment

Last Questions and Possible Answers, 3

This is my third post, following this one in March and this one in June, in which I consider the John Brockman book The Last Unknowns, in which he gathers deep unanswered questions about “the universe, the mind, the future … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Culture, Evolution, Human Progress, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Religion, Science | Leave a comment


Subtitled: “How to Fight For Truth and Protect Democracy.” The MIT Press, 2023. I’m behind on writing up my recent reading here on this blog, so let me resume with this very short little book, small in size and just … Continue reading

Posted in Book Notes, Epistemology, Politics, Psychology | Leave a comment

Conservative Epistemology

The core belief that explains extremism on the right; Peter Wehner on how Republicans have chosen nihilism; My wondering what the deep explanation is for what’s happened on the right; Short items about GOP tax cheats, Trump’s latest outrageous lies, … Continue reading

Posted in conservatives, Epistemology, Philosophy | Leave a comment

Beliefs and Reality

On this Halloween there are Christian forces out there warning against demons, since they apparently believe demons are real. For their definitions of “believe” and “real.” Which are not the same definitions that reality-based people use. My understanding of this … Continue reading

Posted in Lunacy, reality, Religion, Science | Leave a comment

How “Meaning” is just another example of the Narrative Bias

Three pieces from Big Think. How history is told by story-tellers, and cannot be taken literally; How philosophy advances science by asking forbidden questions; How questions about the “meaning of life” reveal the narrative bias. —— Three sciency links, all … Continue reading

Posted in History, Meaning, Narrative, Philosophy, Science | Leave a comment

The Twilight Zone of Religion and Conservative Politics

Adam Lee counters Christian claims that “new atheism” has collapsed; it hasn’t Greta Christina patiently explains the vacuousness of “Pascal’s Wager” Religious presumption and “our religion” Republicans look to Jesus Republicans can break promises if God tells them to Short … Continue reading

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